Get Unstuck: 10 Reasons to Hire an Online Health Coach

Have you ever thought: I know what to do when it comes to health and wellness habits...I'm just not doing it! We've all been there, and that's why having an online health coach in your corner can make all the difference.

You can't underestimate the importance of your health. As Virgil said over 2,000 years ago, “The greatest wealth is health.” And that hasn't changed!

I'm sure you realize how important your health is, but knowing what to do and then staying consistent with your health goals is the tough part – which is where a Health & Wellness coach comes in.

Here are 10 amazing reasons why investing in a health and wellness coach will be your best decision ever.

online health coach

What is an Online Health Coach?

A Health and Wellness coach is someone who knows how to get you motivated, keep you inspired, and provide you with easy-to-understand advice that will have a direct impact on your overall well-being.

Your coach will be with you every step of the way, offering personalized guidance and support to ensure you reach your health goals.

Health and Wellness coaching is a bit different than working with a personal trainer, who provides a workout plan and exercises, or a dietitian, who tells you exactly what to eat.

Health and wellness coaches usually have expertise in exercise and nutrition, but they take a more holistic and well-rounded approach to your whole being.

Exercising and eating the right food are essential to any health program. But so is your relationship with your body and approach to overall health.

Health coaches want to ensure you thrive in your personal life in every aspect!

Great wellness coaches are also skilled in motivational interviewing, goal setting, and helping clients problem-solve, build self-efficacy and reach their optimal health vision.

An online health coach acts as an accountability partner, offers strategies for success, and provides personalized support to ensure clients learn how to make long-lasting changes.

What topics do Health & Wellness coaches cover?

Virtual health coaching is about more than following a program. Building strong coaching relationships will help you develop healthy habits, improve your mental and physical wellness, and significantly benefit your long-term health.

There are many reasons why people choose to invest in a health coaching program.

Here are some of the top health desires and goals when people come to virtual health coaching:

  • incorporate a holistic health approach

  • understand proper nutrition and healthy eating

  • improve their relationship with food

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • improve sleep habits

  • invest in self-care

  • have more energy

  • one on one guidance

  • lose weight

  • gain confidence

  • find balance

  • improve environment and routines

  • finding additional support and accountability for wellness goals

An In-Person vs. Online Health Coach

The greatest advantage to working with a virtual health coach versus in-person coaching is the convenience factor.

You can work with a professional from any location with virtual health coaching. If your personalities mesh, distance isn't a factor!

With that in mind, you're not limited to who's close to you. Instead, you can find a health coach with expertise who fits your personality, style, and needs well.

Whether you meet virtually or in person, prospective clients should check out their coach's background. All virtual health coaches should have proper

  • training

  • experience

  • credentials

  • recommendations

Certified coaches may include a university degree, a health coach institute certification, or national board certification.

If you see NBC-HWC behind someone's name, that stands for National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and is considered a gold standard.

online health coaching

What are the 10 Benefits of Virtual Health Coaching?

Now let's move on to the top ten benefits of signing up for a virtual health coaching program!

1. A Personalized Strategy

Sure, we've all read books or listened to podcasts about how to get in shape and have better health. Maybe the subjects spanned personal care, reducing anxiety, or weight loss. But a one-size fits all program can only go so far!

An online health and wellness coach provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and health goals. They will consider your unique circumstances, preferences, and challenges, then help you create a customized plan that fits your schedule.

With regular health coaching meetings, you can continually tweak, adjust, and brainstorm to find continued success.

2. Accountability and Motivation

An online coach is your accountability partner, keeping you motivated and on track with your health goals. They provide ongoing support, encouragement, and regular check-ins to ensure you stay committed and progress consistently.

Sometimes, simply knowing you have to check in with your health coach each week is motivation to pull out your recipes and stick with the program.

3. Expert Knowledge and Guidance

How do you know what health plan to follow when there's so much conflicting advice out there?

It can be overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to weight loss, fitness goals, and other healthy habits.

A qualified online health coach possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise in multiple areas, such as nutrition, fitness, stress management, and behavior change.

Your health coach will direct you to evidence-based information and strategies so you can make informed decisions and achieve sustainable results.

4. Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges

Life can throw unexpected challenges on your health and wellness journey. In fact, we can guarantee at some point; you WILL encounter roadblocks because that's life!

Unfortunately, when the going gets tough, many people quit their wellness program. But once you've committed to health coaching, you'll find yourself committed, and that can lead to the breakthrough you've always desired.

Health coaches can help you navigate obstacles. They guide how to overcome setbacks, manage stress, and develop resilience.

Sometimes, when life gets difficult and stressful, having a supportive person in your corner can make all the difference. Clients are guaranteed to have a listening ear to share their concerns with when they have a health coach.

hire a virtual health coach

5. Virtual Health Coaches Provide Flexibility for Time and Convenience

Online coaching allows for flexible scheduling and eliminates the need for physical meetings. Virtual health coaching is more convenient for those with busy schedules, young children, or geographical constraints.

You can receive expert health coaching from the comfort of your own home, saving time and eliminating travel-related obstacles.

6. Holistic Approach

A wellness coach takes a holistic health approach. You'll consider multiple facets of your life, including nutrition, physical activity, environment, sleep, and mindset.

Holistic health also means you're

  • taking a proactive approach; not waiting for something to go wrong

  • working towards your best health and vitality; not just the absence of disease

  • considering all pieces of the wellness puzzle; not just diet and exercise

Your coach can help you create a balanced and sustainable lifestyle to thrive, feel great, and be energetic.

7. Long-Term Results for Lifestyle Habits

A great health coach cares about more than the quick fix – they want clients who are achieving long-term results.

They assist you in making habit changes that are sustainable and maintainable. It's a process and may take several months worth of sessions.

But after the program is complete, you'll have the resources and knowledge to continue on your own.

8. Supportive Community

Many online health coaching programs offer access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals. You can form new relationships or sign up your own group in some cases.

This is a great idea if you have friends and family with similar health goals (and it will typically be a lower cost for health coaching).

A community can provide additional motivation, encouragement, and a sense of belonging as you work towards your goals together.

Check out a group health coaching option here.

9. Improved Quality of Life

When you invest in an online health and wellness coach, you invest in your overall well-being and quality of life.

You have to ask yourself key questions like:

  • What makes me feel fulfilled?

  • What's important to me in terms of health?

  • How can I take better care of myself?

Health coaching is more than following the program or achieving a certain weight. You can experience increased energy, improved mental clarity, enhanced physical fitness, better stress management, and a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.

10. Increased Self-Efficacy and Confidence

When you start to see progress with your health goals, you develop a sense of self-efficacy and confidence. This is incredibly empowering, especially when making sustainable habit changes.

According to the American Psychological Association, self-efficacy is an individual's belief in their capacity o execute necessary behaviors to produce specific performance attainments.

In simple terms, self-efficacy can be defined as your belief in your own abilities to

  • accomplish tasks

  • achieve goals

  • handle challenges successfully

It's confidence in yourself and your skills to overcome obstacles and make positive changes in your life.

You can begin to trust yourself and have faith that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.

A health coach gives you the tools, strategies, and accountability necessary for creating lasting changes, but they ultimately want to see each client fly independently!

Is an Online Health Coach Right for Me?

Remember, hiring an online health and wellness coach is an investment in yourself and your future.

Seek out health coaches that are a good fit for your personality, style, budget, and schedule.

A health coach can provide the guidance, focus, and expertise needed to transform your well-being and empower you to live a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Thinking a virtual Health & Wellness coach might be a great option for you? Check out our online coaching options!


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