Healing Journey
Sharing Stephanie’s Healing Monthly
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On November 21st, 2024, Stephanie experienced seizures that led to a trip to the ER, 5 days in ICU, and the surprising news that she has a brain tumor. This was followed by surgery in January 2025 at MD Anderson and continued treatments.
You can find updates on this page and join our email list below.
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Email us any time!
The best way to communicate is via email, feel free to reply to as many emails as you like or email us any time!
Our email addresses:
Stephanie: info@stephaniechodges.com
Brian: hodgesttu@yahoo.com
Other ways to help:
Meal Train: Provides food or meal gift cards (H-E-B gift cards are also wonderful): https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/wm5001
GoFundMe: Donate to help support living expenses while Stephanie cannot work and help with MD Anderson travel, hotel stays, & other medical costs. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-stephanies-brain-tumor-battle
Latest Update
Brain surgery happed in mid-January 2025 at MD Anderson.
The surgery involved shaving the head, removing the brain tumor, and around 40-50 staples in the scalp - the surgeon removed those after two weeks.
Our next treatment in March and April involves six weeks of radiation five days a week at MD Anderson in Houston.
Thankfully, Stephanie will be able to spend the weekends at home with the kids.
We are so thankful for family and friends helping with home, meals, and traveling to Houston. Also taking care of the kids, driving them to and from school plus activities, play dates, and more.
Words can’t describe how much we appreciate everyone’s love and kindness. The meals provided and financial support continue to be a huge help. You are in our prayers too!
We’ll continue sending monthly updates as we go and cannot thank you enough for your prayers—we know God is in control.
Photos show…
A night pre-surgery in Houston hotel.
Post-surgery in MD Anderson Houston hospital.
Coming home to the kids post-surgery.
View of new haircut and staples before they are removed.
Prayer Requests
March 2025
We appreciate your prayers!
For brain healing, recovery, and progress.
Radiation process and trips back and forth to Houston.
The kids, family, and everyone helping these next months to have peace and restored energy.
Thank you again for everything—your prayers, your love, and just being here for us. 🙏
January 2025 Update
We hope 2025 is off to a great start for you!
Thank you so much for your generosity, prayers, and care! Our next step is brain surgery at MD Anderson in mid-January to remove as much of the brain tumor as possible. We hope to return home to Round Rock the week of MLK Day.
We also hope to have information about the next steps in treatment by the end of January/beginning of February (although we’ve learned to be very flexible when it comes to timelines). Further radiation and/or chemo treatments will depend on how the surgery goes, how my body responds, and what they learn from studies on the extracted tissues.
An additional prayer is for Brian’s foot - he broke a metatarsal (playing pickleball) and we pray for healing of the bone after a few weeks in the boot.
Thanks again for everything, we truly love you and are so grateful for your support.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our family, friends, and community mean everything to us.
Every prayer is heard by God!
“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17).
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer” (1 Peter 3:12).
Previous to my medical issue I was a full-time virtual Health & Wellness coach. The original purpose of this website stephaniechodges.com was a platform for my podcast show notes and to promote my online Health & Wellness Coaching services.
Coaching is on hold for the time being, I hope to start coaching again in 2025 but must see what the Lord says about that.
“The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Let’s see what God is up to!
You can use the form box above to sign up to get email updates. Thanks for your support!

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.”
Psalms 103:1-5
Updates From Social Media
December 11th
We are completely blown away by the generosity, support, and prayers of our community! You have given above and beyond to meet all our current needs/requests. In fact, you surpassed them in less than 24 hours...that is mindblowing!!!
We don’t know how to thank you but declare: TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
On Thursday, November 21st something was happening to my body and I didn’t know what was wrong. It turns out that I was having a seizure, and that was because I had a slow-growing tumor in my brain. I was completely unaware of this and previously felt like I was in the best shape of my life.
I went to the ER and then ICU for 5 days. It has been a rough road, but I’m getting better each day and surrounded by such incredible support, I’m so thankful for that!
On that Thursday & Friday I was lying in the hospital and not fully awake, but going in and out of consciousness and terribly nauseous. I could not grasp fully what was happening to me, but I had no fear. I felt an overwhelming sense of God’s peace, grace, and power even though I was not fully conscious.
The one phrase that kept resounding through my mind over and over again was:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
This is the truth - Psalm 23:1
Thank you all so much.
December 12th
Today is exactly 3 weeks since I had seizures, went to the ER, and found out I had a brain tumor. Shocking and totally unexpected! I wanted to share more about this journey with pictures and the story.
My first seizure (at least that I know of) happened on 11/21. I only knew about seizures related to epilepsy where people have tremors/jerking movements, and I don’t have this kind. Turns out there are different types of seizures with various symptoms and levels of severity, but I never considered that I could have a seizure in my life.
The first seizure happened while I was walking the dog Thursday morning. It was relatively mild and short; it felt like a jolt of electricity went up the inside of my body, and I got a strange metallic/acidic taste in my mouth and felt lightheaded like I would pass out, I sat on a landscaping rock for a few minutes.
Then I was able to get up and walk home. I told my husband what happened to me, but I had no idea what it was… I said maybe it was a panic attack (but didn’t know why I would have one) or that I didn’t eat enough breakfast and that’s why I got lightheaded and had to sit down.
I brushed it off and didn’t ask questions or Google information. I just went to work (I work from home full-time as an online health and fitness coach). The next seizure I had around noon was more severe, incapacitating, and long-lasting. I was sitting at my desk working, like any normal day, when it hit me.
I called my mom in a panic, trying to tell her something was wrong and I didn’t know what. She called 911 and came directly to my house, and they took me in the ambulance to the ER.
In the ER they did an MRI and found I had a glioma in my brain. It’s a slow-growing mass of cells. Gliomas are tumors from glial cells, which support and protect nerve cells.
We’re going to MD Anderson in late December to figure out a treatment plan for 2025.
Being in the ICU was pretty scary, but I was a bit oblivious at first because I was barely conscious for the first couple of days. I couldn’t have a conversation or focus on anything, and I was in pain and very nauseous.
Despite that, the phrase continually in my head was, “The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1) and I had a sense of peace.
Our pastors were the first people to show up Friday morning, and they prayed over me. Our long-time friends also came Friday to pray. I couldn’t follow and focus on what they were saying, but I could feel the presence of God.
I started to regain awareness and clarity on Saturday. My parents, sisters & BIL, and mother-in-law were all so supportive in helping with the kids and everything.
Of course, Brian Hodges was my rock, there day and night sleeping on a horrid little hospital couch.
I had a procedure on Monday where they extracted cells to do a pathology report. I didn’t really eat from Thursday to Monday evening and was woken up every couple of hours while in the ICU for 5 days. These are some of the roughest parts - eating and sleeping are important!
I went home Tuesday and my awesome brother-in-law came and put the turkey in our oven on Thanksgiving. My family brought over a great Thanksgiving meal, and we celebrated.
Here’s another unfortunate bump in the road…
My baby sister has been in med school for several years, and she’s going to be a doctor. She was very carefully observing everything from her expert POV. She warned me that I needed to keep a close eye on things because my anti-seizure medication was probably not a high enough/accurate dose.
Turns out that the week following Thanksgiving I had several more seizures at home and had to go back to the ER on Sunday. They did a CT scan that came back great and adjusted my medications (increasing my dosage of anti-seizure meds so I would not have any more).
I’ve been recovering since Sunday and adjusting to my new meds, but am doing much better now—I think the saying is “The third week is the charm.”
Some of the best things that helped me (besides rest and the medication) are that my friend Heather did my hair, and my friend Celeste gifted me a weighted blanket - this has helped soooo much to improve my sleep quality and calm my nervous system.
And the power of prayer is real. The prayers and support have been so overwhelmingly generous; it blows my mind, and we are extremely grateful. We have an army behind us to help with food, kids, and anything we could think of.
So that’s me for now. We’re taking it one day at a time.
Thanks for your prayers and we’ll keep you updated!
In Pictures
Vulnerable post of me in ICU. I am trying to watch Mission Church livestream on Sunday but falling asleep while Brian holds on to and prays over me, as he always does.
Also, 3 days in, I asked my nurse if there was a shower I could use but she said no, I could only do sponge baths 😢😮💨 #humbling
My spiritual mentor mama Sharon. She’s been praying over me for a decade+.
This was on Monday when I had my biopsy procedure where they extracted cells from my brain for a pathology report.
Got to go home from the ICU on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Uncle Patrick brought the turkey to our house on Thursday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Molly won’t look at the camera, she’s looking at her dad who is probably her favorite. But funny thing, she has become much more gentle and attentive with me since this happened. I was walking her when I had my first seizure and obvs she was in the house when the ambulance came. Dogs are amazing.
My family is very kind and generous! I am the oldest of 3 girls but here appears I am the shortest of everybody 🤔 probably the angle…
3 Week Milestone on December 12th
Feeling so much happier with my haircut and weighted blankie, and starting to regulate my meds and sleep patterns.
To be real, it was 3 weeks of physical, mental, and emotional pain but also peace, joy, and love. God covered so many details and I can’t wait to share more with you.
I wanted to briefly share three of my major values:
My faith is my greatest priority. Almighty God is our creator and LORD; He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and sovereign.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
John 1:1-5
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I believe the Bible is the living, active Word of God. I don’t like being sick in this way, but I know I have eternal life.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
“But what does it say? “The word is near you , in your mouth and in your heart ”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed .”
Romans 10:8-11
2. Family
I have my husband Brian and three kids who are 9 yo, 11 yo, 13 yo (yes, a teenager, yikes!). My priority is to build these relationships and spend time with them.
3. Fun
I like to have fun, freedom, and flexibility. I greatly appreciate a sense of humor - even in tough times like these!
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Email us any time!
The best way to communicate is via email, feel free to reply to as many emails as you like or email us any time!
Our email addresses:
Stephanie: info@stephaniechodges.com
Brian: hodgesttu@yahoo.com
Other ways to help:
Meal Train: Sign up to provide food or meal gift cards (H-E-B gift cards are also wonderful): https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/wm5001
GoFundMe: Donate to help support our living expenses while Stephanie is unable to work and help with MD Anderson travel, hotel stays, & other medical costs. https://gofund.me/5dde873e