Physical Environment: 7 Tips for Environmental Wellness

When we think about our health and wellness goals, environmental wellness isn't always the first thing that comes to mind. We usually think about starting an exercise program or a new diet. But have you ever experienced roadblocks when jumping straight into diet and exercise goals? Environmental wellness may be the missing link!

The physical environment, organizing your space and time, impacts your overall well-being and will set you up for success. This blog post will discuss seven tips to create a healthy environment.

Listen to Wholly Well Journey podcast episode 14 for more on Physical Environment and health.

Environmental wellness for health

Why Is Environmental Wellness Important?

The Duke Wheel of Health has eight dimensions of wellness, and the choice to focus on the physical environment might surprise many, especially when more tangible goals like losing weight or eating healthier loom large. Yet, achieving these goals becomes significantly more challenging without addressing the space around us—where habits are formed and daily routines are played out.

The physical environment encompasses the cleanliness or organization of our spaces, the safety and comfort, and how these spaces influence our behaviors and routines.

Environmental wellness plays a pivotal role in our overall health for several reasons.

Environmental wellness can reduce stress.

First, it shapes our daily experiences and directly impacts our mental and physical health. A cluttered, chaotic environment can lead to increased stress and anxiety, making it harder to focus on and maintain healthy habits. Conversely, a clean, organized, and aesthetically pleasing space can promote calm and well-being, encouraging us to make healthier choices. This is hugely beneficial for our mental health.

Support well-being and health goals.

The design and layout of our environments can either facilitate or hinder our wellness goals. For instance, a kitchen arranged to make healthy food choices more accessible and appealing encourages nutritious eating habits. Similarly, creating a dedicated, inviting space for exercise at home can make it easier to stick to a fitness routine. These spatial adjustments make healthful activities more convenient and subtly reinforce our commitment to our health goals, making them feel more integral to our daily lives.

Environmental wellness encompasses safety.

Safety and comfort are equally crucial components of environmental wellness. Living and working in spaces that feel secure and free from environmental hazards such as harmful chemicals, mold, or air pollutants ensures we're not compromising our health. Furthermore, adequately set up environments can prevent health issues related to poor ergonomics, such as back pain or eye strain, which can set us back from being active or productive.

Environment impact on mood and energy

Finally, the physical environment reflects and influences our mental and emotional well-being. Spaces that appeal to all senses—such as sight, sound, and smell—can boost our mood and motivation, making us more likely to engage in activities that contribute to our wellness. Personal surroundings incorporating natural resources like plants, nature sounds, and natural lighting will inherently contribute to overall well-being.

7 Environmental Wellness Tips for Your Physical Environment

1. Declutter Your Space

Clutter can lead to stress and hinder your ability to focus. Start by decluttering critical areas of your home or workspace to create a more peaceful and productive environment. This improves aesthetics and makes it easier to maintain an organized space in the future.

Dedicate weekly time to sort through belongings, donating or discarding items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy.

2. Enhance Natural Lighting

Natural light has numerous health benefits: it improves mood, enhances sleep quality, and even boosts productivity. Maximize natural light in your home or office by keeping windows clean and clear of obstructions. Consider rearranging furniture to situate work and living spaces closer to light sources. This can also help conserve energy!

If natural light is limited, explore options for daylight-simulating light fixtures to mimic the benefits of sunlight.

3. Create Dedicated Wellness Zones

Designate specific areas in your home for relaxation, exercise, and healthy eating. A quiet corner with comfortable seating can serve as a meditation or reading nook, encouraging mental relaxation.

Setting up a designated workout area, even if it's a small living space, can motivate you to engage in regular physical activity.

Similarly, organizing your kitchen to promote healthy eating habits—such as having fruits and vegetables in plain sight—can make it easier to choose nutritious options. Instead of eating in front of your computer, have a designated spot for meals, which significantly impacts mindful eating habits.

4. Prioritize Ergonomic Design

Ergonomics is crucial in preventing discomfort and injuries, especially if you spend long hours at a desk.

Invest in ergonomic furniture and accessories, such as chairs with proper lumbar support, adjustable desks, and keyboard trays, to maintain a healthy posture.

Regularly assess your workspace to ensure it meets your physical needs and make adjustments as necessary.

5. Incorporate Greenery

Plants can enhance the aesthetic of your environment, improve air quality, and even reduce stress. Incorporate a variety of potted plants into your home or office to create a more vibrant and welcoming space. Besides their health benefits, caring for plants can offer a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.

Also, try spending time outdoors—this is another way to improve your environmental wellness! When you step outside, you have all the benefits of natural light and fresh air and can even get some vitamin D from direct sunlight.

6. Personalize Your Space

Personalizing your environment with items that reflect your interests, values, and style can significantly boost your mood and motivation. Decorate with colors, artwork, and memorabilia that make you happy and inspired. If you have a favorite character, hobby, or quote, try to incorporate it.

Creating stimulating environments and a space that truly feels like yours can enhance your environmental wellness and support your mental health.

7. Optimize Your Schedule and Routines

Time and space are intrinsically linked, which shapes our daily experiences and influences our health and well-being. How we structure our environments profoundly affects our habits and routines. To harness the power of this connection, here are some additional tips.

  • Reflect on Your Ideal Day: Spend time envisioning your optimal day. What activities would you include? Consider the times of day when you're most energetic or focused, and plan your most challenging or essential tasks during these periods.

  • Create Time Blocks: Divide your day into blocks dedicated to specific activities or types of work. For example, you might reserve mornings for physical exercise, midday for focused work tasks, and evenings for relaxation and family time. Time blocking can help you intentionally use your day, ensuring you allocate more resources for activities that support your wellness.

  • Minimize Environmental Distractions: Consider what distractions in your environment may hinder your ability to stick to your routine and find ways to minimize them. This might involve creating a clutter-free workspace, using noise-canceling headphones to block background noise, or setting boundaries with family members during work or exercise.

  • Incorporate Transitions: Build transitional activities into your schedule to help you smoothly shift between different parts of your day. This could be a short walk, a few minutes of deep breathing, or a quick tidy-up of your space. Transitions signal to your brain that one activity is ending and another is beginning, helping you mentally prepare for the shift.

  • Adjust and Adapt: Optimizing your schedule and routines for a sustainable lifestyle is an ongoing process. Life changes, and so will your needs and priorities. Regularly assess how well your current schedule and routines are serving you and be willing to make adjustments. Flexibility is vital to creating a sustainable approach that supports your well-being over the long term.

7 Tips for Environmental Wellness and meeting your health goals.

What About the Planet?

When you hear environmental wellness, maybe you think of the big picture of how our actions impact the planet's natural resources. It’s true: our environmental impact isn’t just about our relationship with our surroundings—it affects the entire community!

Things you can do to benefit both individuals and the community when it comes to environmental wellness include:

  • Spend time outdoors in nature

  • Participate in a community garden

  • Utilize public transportation

  • Volunteer in your community

  • Minimize waste through recycling, composting, water conservation, etc.

In Summary

Keeping your home and workspace clean, safe, and clear of clutter will inspire you to better health habits and prevent unnecessary roadblocks on your journey to being wholly well!


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