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The Wholly Well Journey podcast with Stephanie C. Hodges is your sacred space to explore holistic health and well-being from a Christian perspective.
Have you ever been frustrated when it comes to changing health habits?
Or staying consistent with your wellness goals?
Or maybe you're overwhelmed by the avalanche of conflicting health, diet, and self-care advice out there?
Never fear! We're here to sort through the facts, encourage simple steps for practical change, and engage in faith-based wellness conversations that build a whole and holy picture of health.
It's more than just diet and exercise; we'll dive into what it means to be healthy in spirit, soul, and body.
"Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
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Top 10 Wholly Well Journey Podcasts of 2024
Here are the top 10 most popular and most listened to podcasts from 2024!
Ep 026 Spiritual Warfare and Moving From Knowledge to Knowing with Hannah Smith
In episode 026, Hannah Smith shares wisdom on the limits of worldly wisdom when it comes to mental health, how spiritual warfare impacts our lives, and keys to pursuing mental and emotional wholeness.
Ep 025 Getting Unstuck with Christian Counseling and Coaching - Guest Amber Kennedy
How do we tackle mental health from a Christian perspective? Join us for an enlightening conversation with Amber Kennedy, a certified transformational coach, certified pastoral counselor and pastor of a local church.
Ep 023 Insights on Fasting as a Family with Morgan Campey
Morgan Campey has many experiences fasting personally, with her family, and with the church community, and she has wonderful insight and inspiration to share with those new or seasoned in fasting in episode 023.
Ep 019 Demolishing Diet Strongholds with Carol Bevil
The cycle of dieting and bingeing has been detrimental for far too long. Carol Bevil, founder of Fuel Your Body, Feed Your Soul, unpacks biblical truths of healthy eating so you can demolish diet strongholds for good.
Ep 017 Strength for Life: Amanda Oparanozie on Women and Weights
How do you improve your physical fitness and mental health as you age? Strength training is the answer, and our guest Amanda Oparanozie, head coach and owner of OBK Fitness, is here to give you the right exercise prescription for women and weights.
Ep 015 Free and Well: Devoney Kodad on Emotional and Mental Health
Numbing, avoiding, and loneliness are big problems in today’s mental health landscape. Podcast 15 features certified therapist Devoney Kodad, who walks us through some practical tips to boost our mental and emotional well-being.
Ep 013 Dr. Carol Tanksley on Sexual Wholeness: Healing & Restoration of a Messy Past
A conversation with Dr Carol Tanksley, medical doctor and ordained minister, on the power of Sexual Wholeness: Healing & Restoration of a Messy Past and her new book Sexpecations.
Ep 011: Kingdom Creativity with Cosplay For Christ Host Jessica Luttrell
We're all made to be creative! Even if you don't consider yourself a stereotypically creative person in terms of arts and music, you will find this conversation fascinating and recognize that we are all created to be creative.
Ep 009: Silence & Solitude as Transformative Spiritual Disciplines with Jessica Konzen
Jessica Konzen on how to hear from the Lord through the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude.
Ep 007: Camille McIntyre on the Power of Fasting for Breakthrough
Camille McIntyre from Because She Chose ministries shares about mentoring young women and the power of fasting for breakthrough.
Ep 005: Embracing the Art of a Messy House
Jen Kosuda is the founder of The Art of a Messy House. She shares her journey of overcoming anxiety and learning to embrace the messiness of life—which allows us to live and flourish in the purpose God has for us without waiting for things to be perfect.
Ep 003: The Beauty of Bountiful Living in Difficult Times - Interview with Katie Lewis
Katie Lewis has walked through a number of debilitating situations, including job loss, infertility, losing family members, and dealing with debilitating family allergies. Through it all, she's kept her eyes on Christ and determined to spread the message about bountiful living!